The blog tour for Quintana of Charyn officially kicks off tomorrow! Who else is excited?! Thanks to all the lovely bloggers and fellow Melina Marchetta fans who volunteered to participate in this blog tour. We hope everyone has fun reading all the posts during this blog tour! (FYI: There's a tour giveaway in each post, so be sure to enter!) Here's the schedule of what you can expect for the next nine days:
132 Minutes - Book Chat
Joie de Lire - Excerpt
November 2
Bookittyblog - Review
A Girl Books and Other Things - Top Five Characters
November 3
Carina's Books - Review
Whole Lotta Mama! - Favorite Character
November 4
WinterHaven Books - Review + Giveaway
We Fancy Books - Excerpt
November 5
November 6
Collections - Fanart
The Ink Spills - Series Review
November 7
A Book and a Short Latte - Series Cast
A Book and a Short Latte - Series Cast
The Readers Den - Excerpt + Giveaway
November 8
The Fairytale Nerd - Reasons to Read the Series
GrowingUp YA - Dream Cast
November 9